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Enjoy Ultimate Relaxation With the Everlasting Comfort Bath Pillow

Perhaps you need to relax, or maybe you need to recover after a long day of physical activity. Taking a bath can help with just about anything. Bathing is one of the best things you can do for your body to help it recover, detox, relax, and renew. For thousands of years, baths have been used as a form of therapy for both the mind and body. They can help you relax physically and mentally and give you time to focus on yourself.

You don’t want to worry about your head slipping in the bathtub or that you can’t get comfortable against the hard surface. Imagine taking a relaxing bath without experiencing neck or back pain from lying in a hard tub! Bathing should be a comfortable experience that allows us to unwind from the stresses of everyday life. 

A good bath pillow, such as the Everlasting Comfort bath pillow, supports your neck and shoulders, so you can lean back, close your eyes, and enjoy ultimate relief. With an ergonomically designed memory foam headrest and back cushion, you can truly relax. Your body will thank you later. 

Why Are Baths the Ultimate Form of Relaxation?

By adding a bath to your schedule even once a week, you can reap all the benefits of bathing. While you soak in the tub, relax in style with scented soaps, wine, or a good book. New studies suggest that swapping a soak for a shower can lower stress and anxiety, relieve muscle pain and make you happier. You get to relax and reconnect with your spirit. There is something calming and satisfying about taking a bath. Baths are excellent for you, and here are four reasons you should use them over the shower.

Baths Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and Increase Mood 

Unlike a shower, when using a bathtub, you can turn down your lights, light your candles, add some bubbles, sit back, and unwind. Sounds great, right? Submersion in water is not only relaxing, but it also helps calm the nervous system, reduce stress and anxiety in our body, and improve our mood. A warm bath can stimulate the production of serotonin, the chemical in the brain that makes us feel happy. Furthermore, it has been shown that our bodies associate lying horizontally with relaxation and vulnerability, particularly in the bath, which mimics the warmth of the womb and provides a feeling of safety and security. Bathing gives us a sense of comfort and peace, allowing our minds and bodies to relax.

Baths Are Great for Your Skin

Staying hydrated is crucial since water makes up the majority of our bodies. Just as we hydrate the inside of our bodies, bathing in warm water helps hydrate the body and our skin. Combining it with things like essential oils or oatmeal can be the perfect antidote to dry skin. The soothing warm water also releases endorphins in the same way that you release them when you feel the sun on your skin. By using the Everlasting Comfort bath pillow you will be able to stay in the tub longer which will allow for ultimate hydration. 

Baths Soothe Sore Muscles

Water helps to reduce pain and inflammation in the muscles and body, making bubble baths a perfect way to help our bodies heal. Whether tired from a long day at the office or a vigorous workout, a relaxing bubble bath helps us unwind. Relaxing our muscles stimulates blood flow and reduces tension. Like using a heating pad, taking a hot bath increases the temperature of aching muscles, which provides pain relief. The heat helps your blood flow, which is excellent for circulation, as well as relaxing sore or tight muscles. Epsom salts can further soothe sore muscles when added to baths. 

Baths Help You Have a Good Night’s Sleep

People who take a warm bath before bed are known to fall asleep more quickly. At night, your body temperature drops, causing it to produce melatonin, a chemical associated with sleep. Since warm water makes you feel warmer, the temperature drop at night is even more dramatic, giving you an extra boost to get into bed. Taking a warm bath before bed can lead to a host of health benefits, so it’s a snowball effect toward a healthier you.

Bathing is one of the best things you can do for yourself if you want to relax, and many of us look forward to our bath time late at night, especially on the weekend or at the end of a long and busy day. When you take a good bath, you can relax, de-stress, and forget about all your worries. And if you take your bath with a glass (or two) of wine and some other ‘bath essentials,’ you will feel like a new person. So grab some candles, turn on some music, and make sure you have your Everlasting Comfort bath pillow, sit back and soak it all in. 


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