Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection that takes place in the female reproductive system. This disease is caused by sexually transmitted bacteria that enters the female body through vagina and spreads in the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.
However, this infection can also be caused due to non-sexual reasons.
What are the symptoms of PID:
Symptoms of PID do not appear in most women. However, some women suffering from PID report symptoms like:
- Bleeding and pain during sex
- Low grade fever
- Heavy vaginal discharge with a foul smell
- Pain in the upper and lower abdomen
- A feeling of tiredness and dizziness
- Pain during urination
- Irregular bleeding between periodsVisit The Site: artdailymagazine
What are the causes of PID?
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is caused due to different bacteria. These bacteria usually get transmitted during unprotected sexual activity.
However in some cases bacteria enters the reproductive system when the barrier made by the cervix gets disturbed. It usually happens after giving birth, during menstruation, or in some cases of abortion or miscarriage.
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Another reason for transmission of bacteria can be the insertion of medical equipment into the reproductive organs for uterus examinations. For more information visit this site: f95zone
When do you need to see a doctor?
If you are suffering from Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and your body starts showing symptoms like: sharp abdominal pain, faint spells, high grade fever and vomiting then it’s time for you to rush to a Gynecologist in Lahore. Seeking immediate medical attention is necessary because if the infection reaches your bloodstream it can become life threatening.
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How can PID be diagnosed?
Cervical culture, urine tests, pelvic examination, pelvic ultrasound, endometrial biopsy and laparoscopy are the diagnostic procedures used for diagnosing PID and assessing the damage that it has caused to reproductive organs.
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What is the treatment for PID?
Doctors recommend taking antibiotics to treat Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Once you have started taking antibiotics and your symptoms start improving you still need to continue taking antibiotics too because if you stop the medication midway there is a very high chance that you may get infected again.
If you are pregnant or are unable to take medicines due to any reasons your doctor will ask you to stay at the hospital for treatment.
A surgery is recommended in rare cases if the patient’s body isn’t responding to the treatment or they have an abscess in their pelvis and it gets ruptured or is at risk of rupture.
What if I don’t get treated for PID?
If left untreated, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease may get severe and turn into a chronic one. Following are the complications PID can cause if not treated at an early stage:
- Infertility (inability to conceive)
- Long-term pain in pelvis and abdomen
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Blockage in fallopian tubes
- Abscess formation
How can you prevent PID?
You can take following preventive measures to avoid getting PID:
- Practice safe sex, try using condoms and other protective methods to prevent exposure to bacteria.
- Limit the number of your sexual partners.
- If you’re at risk of getting infected, then make sure to get screened and tested regularly after a certain period of time.
- Keep your vaginal area clean.
- Ask your partner or partners to get tested for the STDs.
- Avoid using douches.Visit The Site: magazineview
When seeking help always consult a specialist like a Gynecologist in Karachi for treatment of PID.
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