Many vets who consider the declawing procedure as an inhumane, unethical, and barbaric act refuse to perform it on kitties altogether. Some countries have no restrictions on carrying out the cruel pet procedure. However, declawing is illegal (unless it is medically necessary) in several countries, including Australia, New Zealand, and many parts of Europe and America.
Nails play a vital role in a cat’s life. The sharp claws can help a cat mark boundaries through scratching (leaving marks or visual evidence) while satisfying their territorial instincts. At the same time, fur babies deposit pheromones produced on their little paws (scent rubbing) in places they roam around to indicate their dominion.
If your kitty cat has been on a scratching spree and destroying your furniture, clothes, and other things, talk to your vet to help your furry baby recover from their destructive habits. Your vet may suggest behavioral therapy, cat training, and medications if necessary. Pet health insurance can cover specific pet health issues but not behavioral conditions.
The best pet insurance can help you provide your fur baby with comprehensive health coverage at economical costs. While you look for a policy, read this article to learn why declawing is considered a vicious medical procedure.
Adverse effects of declawing a cat
1.Shoddy surgery
The procedure itself can be alarming for your fur baby, and when the procedure is performed abysmally it can be more painful. The recovery path may be even longer if a surgeon removes the claws more or less than what was required. Also, negligent sewing of the open sores can delay healing and lead to chronic health complications.
2.Prone to infections
Vets usually prescribe antibiotics to lower the chances of a kitty contracting an infection post-surgery. Since paws are the most exposed parts of a fur baby’s body, they must be sufficiently protected to prevent potential infections.
3.Difficulty in using a litter box
A cat can find moving around a challenging task without claws. Even if a kitty gets to their litter box, digging up the box contents, covering up their leavings, and getting out can hurt their wounded paws. Also, the litter box contents may get stuck in the incisions, creating discomfort and hampering the healing process.
4.Additional health issues
A surgeon lacking skill or knowledge may not declaw a kitty’s paws correctly. As a result, the kitty may have to deal with nerve damage, tissue damage, deformed nails, abscesses, scar tissues, paw pain, temporary/permanent abnormal gait, changes in body posture, back pain, and weight shifts on other muscles, and more.
5.Behavioral transitions
It would be better to have a young kitten declawed than an older cat, if it was a necessity at all. An older cat might find the procedure more stressful and life-changing because they can no longer engage in one of their favorite activities – scratching.
Declawing, as we said, is illegal in most countries. So, discuss your kitty’s behavioral issues with your vet to get to the bottom of the matter. Stick to the treatment plan and schedule follow-up appointments so your kitty can be on the right path to healing.
The best pet insurance can cover your fur baby’s medical care for broader health conditions, including allergies, specific illnesses, dental issues, and more. Pet health insurance can lower your medical financial stress significantly in distressing times. So, consider buying a pet policy asap.